Video Suite

Portraiture® & RealEffects

*One-time payment upgrade fees may apply.
Photo by Amanda Diaz

Automatic skin retouching, fine toning, B&W and coloring effects.

Perfect combination of Portraiture's unmatched skin smoothing, healing, and enhancing effects with RealEffects' toning and coloring.

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"Imagenomic's plugins for retouching skin, reducing noise, and applying film-like looks take the pain out of postproduction."
- Dean Zulich -

Dean Zulich

Imagenomic's Video Suite introduces a new RealEffects plugin which adds versatile toning and coloring functionality to complement Portraiture's masking and retouching capabilities.

While RealEffects works independently from Portraiture and could be used to produce separate effects, it is the ability to apply the two plugins in tandem on a refined joint or inverse mask that makes the Video Suite a truly powerful and remarkable video editing package.

Imagenomic is pleased to offer this powerful Video Suite at the current Portraiture subscription rate for only $99/year to active and prospective subscribers.


Portraiture® Video

skin retouching
Unmatched, Natural Looking Skin Retouching for Video.

RealEffects Video

coloring and toning
Retouching, fine toning and coloring effects for Video.